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12 Steps to Host an Epic Non-Alcoholic Wine Tasting Party

12 Steps to Host an Epic Non-Alcoholic Wine Tasting Party

Non-alcoholic wines have improved a lot, offering complex flavors and a sophisticated experience. Here's how you can host a fun non-alcoholic wine tasting party that everyone will enjoy.

Key Takeaways

  • Select a variety of non-alcoholic wines, including reds, whites, and sparkling options
  • Create a welcoming tasting environment with proper glassware and palate cleansers
  • Teach guests the Five S's of wine tasting: See, Swirl, Sniff, Sip, and Savor
  • Pair wines with complementary foods to enhance the tasting experience
  • Incorporate interactive elements and educational components to engage guests
  • Consider using a themed approach or the YOURS Non-Alcoholic Wine Sampler Pack for a comprehensive tasting

1. Choose Your Non-Alcoholic Wines

Start by selecting a variety of non-alcoholic wines. Aim for a mix of reds, whites, and maybe even a sparkling option. YOURS offers some great choices:

YOURS Non-Alcoholic California Cabernet Sauvignon YOURS Non-Alcoholic California Red Blend

YOURS Non-Alcoholic California Cabernet Sauvignon ($29.99) has flavors of black cherry and oak. The YOURS Non-Alcoholic California Red Blend ($23.99) tastes rich with hints of vanilla and chocolate. Include a white wine option like their Chardonnay too. Try to offer different styles to give your guests a good range to taste.

2. Set Up Your Tasting Space

Create a nice environment for your guests. You'll need:

  • Wine glasses (one per wine per person)
  • Tasting mats or placemats
  • Water and crackers for cleaning your mouth
  • Good lighting
  • A room temperature between 60-70°F

Set up stations for each wine. Give guests small notebooks to write down what they think. Make sure there's plenty of water available.

3. Learn How to Taste Non-Alcoholic Wine

Teach your guests the Five S's of wine tasting:

The Five S's of Wine Tasting

  • See: Look at the wine's color
  • Swirl: Gently swirl the wine in the glass
  • Sniff: Smell the wine
  • Sip: Take a small sip
  • Savor: Think about the flavors

Pour about 2 oz of wine for tasting. Start with lighter wines and move to stronger ones. Serve whites and sparkling wines cold (40-50°F), and reds slightly cool. Encourage guests to take their time with each wine.

4. Pair with Tasty Food

Make the tasting better with good food pairings. Try:

  • Cheese and meat board
  • Small snacks like bruschetta or stuffed mushrooms
  • Fruit and nut plates
  • Dark chocolate for red wines

Check out our blog for more food pairing ideas with non-alcoholic wines. Make a guide explaining why certain foods go well with each wine.

5. Add Fun Activities

Keep your guests interested with fun games:

  • Blind tasting: Cover bottle labels and have guests guess the wine type
  • Smell guessing game: Use common wine smells like berries or vanilla
  • Best description contest: Give prizes for creative wine descriptions

You could also have guests draw pictures inspired by the wines they taste.

6. Teach Your Guests

Share some cool facts about non-alcoholic wines:

Benefits of Non-Alcoholic Wine

Better Sleep
More Energy
Possible Weight Loss
Better Mood
Less Worry

Explain wine words like tannins, acidity, body, and finish. Talk about how non-alcoholic wines are made.

7. Pick a Theme

Make your party more interesting with a theme:

  • Try different California non-alcoholic wines
  • Compare different styles of non-alcoholic Chardonnay
  • Match each wine with a specific food

You could also talk about how non-alcoholic wines have changed over time or focus on eco-friendly wines.

8. Use the YOURS Non-Alcoholic Wine Sampler Pack

YOURS Non-Alcoholic Wine Sampler Pack

The YOURS Non-Alcoholic Wine Sampler Pack ($89.99) is great for trying different styles. It has Cabernet Sauvignon, Red Blend, Seasonal Rosé, and Chardonnay. This variety makes it easy to host a full tasting event.

9. Make Non-Alcoholic Cocktails

Get creative and use non-alcoholic wines to make mocktails. Try a non-alcoholic sangria with the YOURS Red Blend, or a spritzer with their Chardonnay.

Check out our blog for more non-alcoholic cocktail ideas. Set up a station where guests can mix their own drinks.

10. Give Out Tasting Notes

Make sheets for each wine with:

  • Wine name and type
  • Smell descriptions
  • Flavor description
  • Food pairing ideas

This helps guests compare wines better. Include a flavor wheel to help guests describe what they taste.

11. Encourage Talking

Create a relaxed mood where guests feel comfortable sharing their thoughts. There are no wrong answers in wine tasting! Encourage people to describe what they taste and smell, even if it seems weird. Have small group talks after tasting each wine.

12. End with Something Sweet

Finish your tasting with a dessert pairing. Try the YOURS Non-Alcoholic California Red Blend with dark chocolate truffles. You could also try pairing wines with different desserts like fruit tarts or cheese.

For guests who want to try more non-alcoholic wines, consider giving YOURS gift cards as party favors:

YOURS Non-Alcoholic Wine Gift Card

Hosting a non-alcoholic wine tasting party is a fun way to explore wines without alcohol. With these tips and YOURS non-alcoholic wines, you're ready to throw a great party that everyone can enjoy. Remember to talk about what's special about non-alcoholic wines, like how they go well with food and their health benefits. Encourage guests to share their favorite wines from the tasting. Cheers to a night of great taste and good company!


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