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Seedlip Garden 108 & Soda Non-Alcoholic Cocktail

Seedlip Garden Cocktails Non-Alcoholic

In the non-alcoholic spirits world, one name has been making a huge splash: Seedlip.


Launched in 2015, Seedlip is the brainchild of Ben Branson, who began experimenting with refined “adult” alcohol-free spirits after stumbling upon a copy of The Art of Distillation, a 1651 publication documenting various herbal remedy recipes using copper stills.


Today, Seedlip offers three separate alcohol-free spirits: Seedlip Garden 108, Seedlip Grove 42, and Seedlip Spice 94.


Seedlip Garden Cocktails 


Though there are countless Seedlip drink recipes – some of which are classy enough to be found on fine dining menus around the world – today we’re going to show you how to craft a super simple non-alcoholic cocktail using Seedlip Garden 108. While many believe Seedlip to be a non-alcoholic gin, to call it one is a bit of a misnomer. Seedlip Garden 108 has a unique flavor profile all its own, with a fresh herbal taste that hits immediately upon your first sip. And with our Seedlip & Soda cocktail, you’ll be sure to taste every bit of this delicious alcohol-free spirit.


Seedlip Non Alcoholic Gin


Ingredients for Seedlip Garden 108 & Soda Non-Alcoholic Cocktail

  • 2 oz – Seedlip Garden 108 Non-Alcoholic Spirit
  • Soda Water
  • Lemon Twist



Directions for Seedlip Garden 108 & Soda Non-Alcoholic Cocktail

  1. Pour 2 oz of Seedlip Garden 108 Non-Alcoholic Spirit into a glass over ice
  2. Top with soda water of choice
  3. Add a lemon twist


       Seedlip Garden 108 Cocktail Recipe


      That’s it! A super simple, yet delightfully complicated alcohol-free cocktail that sips like your favorite gin drink, but without the guilt.


      Give this Seedlip Garden 108 cocktail a try and let us know what you think below. And be sure to tag us on social @sipyours with photos of your finished product.