Can You Buy Non-Alcoholic Wine at Target?

Target (or “Tarjay” if you fancy) is unofficially the “nicer” option of the big box stores. Locations tend to cluster in tree-lined suburbs. Stores are clean and well-lit. Items are displayed with care. And they carry an amazing selection of goods – including a growing focus on food and wine.
Not surprisingly, this attention to detail has helped Target’s annual revenue grow to over $90 billion. But there’s one detail Target seems to be forgetting…the amazing world of non-alcoholic wines.
As we outline in our guide on where to buy non-alcoholic wine, there is no shortage of major chains carrying a growing selection of alcohol-free wines. You can even buy non-alcoholic wine online and have it shipped directly to your door. But for some reason, Target missed the memo.
While their selections are always changing, here’s a look at the current selection (or lack thereof) of “non-alcoholic wines” you can buy:
What Non-Alcoholic Wine Can I Buy at Target?
Fre Non-Alcoholic Wine
Based on their website and some internet sleuthing, it does appear that Target, at one time at least, did carry the full selection of Fre Non-Alcoholic Wines. As discussed in our Fre Non-Alcoholic Wine Review, while not necessarily the most complex collection of alcohol-removed wines you’ll ever taste, Fre definitely has some redeeming qualities. Their lineup is diverse. The price is right. And in most cases, the flavors are decent, making the brand a great introduction to NA wines.
While it appears that Fre is no longer offered via the Target the website, you may still be able to purchase it at your local store. Be sure to ask the staff if you cannot find it (in case limited bottles are hiding in the back somewhere).
Martinelli’s Sparkling Cider and Sparkling Blush
Unfortunately, after Fre, the selection of non-alcoholic wines at Target gets very limited, very fast. Martinelli’s is a mainstay – that classic, sweet sparkling juice you used to sip at midnight on New Year’s Eve when you were a kid. And Target does carry this wine in most locations.
To be honest, we don’t really consider Martinelli’s a non-alcoholic wine. But it’s meant to serve the same purpose, which is why we’re including it here – until Target wises up and broadens its collection!
Welch’s Sparkling Rosé
Same with Martinelli’s, Welch’s is hard to consider a true non-alcoholic wine. Though the brand did start as an alternative to communion wine during prohibition, so it was intended to replace traditional wines. But these juice-based alternatives are often overly sweet, and taste nothing like a true non-alcoholic rosé should.
That said, this Welch’s Sparkling Rosé is available on most Target shelves, so if you’re in a pinch and can do with something sweet, this could be a good option for you.
Fentimans Rose Lemonade
Another option at Target that’s far from non-alcoholic wine, we’re including Fentimans Rose Lemonade because it is a tasty, adult-focused beverage. We’ve tried this, and on a warm summer day over ice it makes for a refreshing treat. Or add a splash of citrus and your favorite non-alcoholic gin, and you’ve got a unique twist on the London Lemonade.
Bonus Entry: Heineken 0.0 Non-Alcoholic Beer
While we came here to explore Target’s selection of non-alcoholic wine (as disappointing as it may be), we do have to give them credit – nearly every store is stocked on Heineken 0.0. Sure, it may not be the absolute best NA beer available, but it is a good option for those looking to skip the alcohol.
If you can’t find a decent non-alcoholic wine while shopping at Target, at the very least you can leave the store with something to drink!
Does Target Sell Non-Alcoholic Wine?
As you can see, the selection of non-alcoholic wines you can buy at Target is pretty pitiful. For being such a great store with so many wonderful things to buy, we’re disappointed at the lack of options…especially since we believe so many Target shoppers would love the chance to swap a sophisticated, well-balanced alcohol-free wine into their evening routines.
While a $90 billion company won’t change overnight, one of the best things you can do is ask. Next time you’re at a Target and don’t see a robust collection of non-alcoholic wines, ask the store manager if they would consider carrying any. If there’s one thing Target is known for, it’s finding new, interesting products they believe their customers might like. If enough of us start asking for non-alcoholic wines, they eventually will start showing up on Target shelves.
Until then, be sure to check out all the great online and offline places you can shop for non-alcoholic wines, and let us know if you come across anything interesting to sip the next time you’re browsing the aisles of Target!